Bhal Pradesh in Gujarat

Bhal Pradesh in Gujarat: Tal (તળ) is a natural region with isogeographical conditions in Gujarat, known for the cultivation of non-irrigated wheat.

About Bhal Pradesh Geographical location

It is approximately 21° 45´ N. A. to 23° 00´ N. A. and 74° 45´ to 72° 45´ E. Ray is in between. Its maximum north-south length is 95 km. And the width of the northern part is 65 km and the width of the southern part is 35 km. As much as The total area of this region is about 7,500 chokm. As much as possible.

It is bordered by Ahmedabad district, Bhavnagar district and Gulf of Khambhat to the north and south respectively, while Kheda and Surendranagar districts lie to the east and west respectively. To its north-west lies the desert of Kutch and the Gulf of Khambhat towards Agni. Bhal Pradesh in gujarat includes several villages in Dholka, Dhandhuka, Khambhat, Matar, Bhavnagar, Valbhipur and Limbadi talukas.

Surface of Bhal Pradesh in Gujarat

A depression in the middle of the forehead is called ‘Bhal’ in Sanskrit, similarly the land in this region is relatively lower than the surrounding region and is known as Bhal Pradesh region (in Sindh also the coastal lowlands are called ‘Bhall’).

This region lies almost in the central part of Gujarat. The length of the coastline from Bhavnagar to Khambhat is 120 km. The Kalabhar flowing near Valabhipur in the south and the Keri flowing in the north have slopes towards Agni. Here the height of Bhal Pradesh in gujarat region is about 10 m, most of Dholka-Dhandhuka taluk is about 10 to 13 m.

In short, the maximum height in the whole region is nowhere more than 25 m. The coast of Bhal Pradesh region is dotted with salt flats. The depth of the nearest beach varies from 4 m to 24 m depending on the location. The Gulf of Khambhat harbors many endemic bats, with malbanks and bongos being the main ones. Areas of punk-soil are more common along the coast, although alluvial soils are also present here and there.

Bhal Pradesh Water flow

Rainfall is less here. Although the slope of the region is uneven, the rivers meet the Gulf of Khambhat. The rivers flowing through this region include Sabarmati, Bhadar, Ghelo, Shedhi, Keri, Omkar, Shelwa and Andhari-Sukbhadar. All the above rivers are seasonal, and as they all flow in the old age of the river, the velocity of the water decreases, resulting in more sedimentation. Thus the Bhal pradesh in Gujarat is seen as an erosion plain. Monsoon floodwaters cannot be drained away due to excessive sedimentation in front of the mouth, causing water to spread, sometimes causing damage.

The average depth of ground water in this region is about 100 meters. The water from here is mostly brackish, although sometimes it is brackish for a short period of time. The reason for this can be attributed to the structure of the rock layers of that region. Locals here get salt water through rain and seepage, but only for a limited period of time.

Bhal Pradesh Climate

Generally the climate of Bhal region is of dry tropical seasonal type. The average summer and winter temperatures here are 40°C respectively. and 10°C. And the relative humidity during the month of July is 60% to 80%. Chances of rain are less here every year. Rainfall is caused by convection from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. As these variations occur at irregular intervals, precipitation also occurs under such conditions.

If the cyclone is stronger, the rainfall is more. If it rains in September, it is beneficial for the cultivation of region Bhal pradesh in gujarat ahmedabad bhavnagar. Average rainfall here is 150 to 200 mm. As much as it takes. Due to such irregularity and uncertainty of rainfall, there is an average drought of one year every three years.

Know About Bhal Pradesh Land / Soil

Most of the soil in this region is medium black. Soil salinity is exceptional, as the entire region is formed by receding seas. In this arid region, evaporation is faster than precipitation, leading to the accumulation of salts in the soil. Salts in the soil layer rise to higher levels through capillary action, thereby increasing soil salinity. It contains sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, magnesium sulfate. Such soil is considered alkaline. Alluvial soil is also found in some places. Medium-black, sandy-loam, alluvial, rocky and coastal soils are generally found in the Bhal pradesh in gujarat ahmedabad bhavnagar .

Bhal Pradesh Vegetation / Plantation

Due to the high salinity of the soil and scanty rainfall in this region, the amount of vegetation is also very low. The topography of the region is flat. Where there are ponds, trees are found, with acacias, crabs and piludi being the main ones. Somewhere neem or tamarind is also seen. Coconut, eucalyptus and cassava trees are also found along the coast. Grass grows in muddy areas. A tuber named ‘Beed’ grows in the soil here. It is also used by birds, animals and people in drought years. Exotic acacia (Juliflora) has been cultivated to prevent further desertification.

Irrigation at Bhal Pradesh

As the soil in this region is saline and rainfall is low, irrigated through canals for irrigated agriculture, this has further damaged the soil here. The action of capillarity has increased the salinity of the soils. The Green Revolution campaign is a more damaging choice for the region.

Know Agriculture in Bhal Pradesh

Agriculture in Bhal Pradesh region is unirrigated. Mainly wheat, cotton, sorghum, millet and gram are cultivated here. Farmers are also more interested in wheat-cotton cultivation. Only when this does not happen do they plant gram. Sorghum and millet are also planted during this period. Their purpose of growing jowar-millet is as fodder for animals. Thus, Bhal region is mainly known for wheat.

Archaeological and historical sites

  • Lothal
  • Gamph

Chudasama Rajputs ruled the minor Indian state of Gamph.The Bhayads of the old Gamph kingdom comprise all 52 Estates of Chudasama Rajputs in the Dhandhuka area. These Rajputs are descended from Junagadh’s erstwhile Rah Dynasty.

The main varieties of wheat here are Katha, Wajia and Chhasia; But now the use of new seeds has increased, with Arnage-206 and 217 and Arnage 624 being the main ones. Crops are harvested only once a year in this area. Efforts are being made to increase production in the area through the use of better seeds, chemical fertilizers, modern machinery and scientific methods.

As of 1991, the total population of Bhal region is around 15 lakhs.

Geological History of Bhal Pradesh

Much of today’s Bhal pradesh in gujarat was previously under the sea. Talgujarat (ancient Anarta) and Saurashtra (ancient Surashtra) were separated by a strait. As the region gradually rose due to less land movement and more sedimentation, seawater moved further and further south towards the Gulf of Khambhat.


The newly formed region came to be known as Bhal (which in Prakrit means bhall, or marshy land) પૂરણીરચિત આ પ્રદેશ ભાલ (જેનો અર્થ પ્રાકૃતમાં ભલ્લ, અથવા ભેજવાળી જમીન થાય છે.) તરીકે ઓળખાતો થયો. This phenomenon continues even today. Nala Sarovar is a good example of this. This tap lake is the last remnant of a prehistoric strait.

Today’s Bhalnalkantha area is the Seturupa region between both Gujarat and Saurashtra. When this region was in the form of a strait, the trade was carried on here by boats, the example of ‘Lothal’ as a port can be given as a proof of this. People traveling from Talgujarat to Saurashtra must be using boats! Surkotda and Dholavira on the banks of the Big Desert in Rapar taluka in the eastern part of Kutch can be cited as proof of this.

Due to these changes, the Gulf of Khambhat shifted from north to south and land replaced the sea. This is why salt water is found almost everywhere here, although salt water is also found exceptionally in some places.

Wildlife and birds

  • Velavadar Blackbuck National Park
  • Pipli Wetland
  • Saltpans & wetlands between Naari & Bawaliyali villages

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