Denmark: Tuition fees & cost of living Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on studying in Denmark! If you are an Indian student planning to pursue your higher education in Denmark, it is crucial to understand the tuition fees and cost of living in the country. This article aims to provide you with the essential information you need to make informed decisions about your study abroad experience in Denmark.

Key Takeaways:

  • Denmark offers a high-quality, internationally recognized education system.
  • Understanding the tuition fees and cost of living is crucial for Indian students planning to study in Denmark.
  • Tuition fees for undergraduate and master’s programs vary depending on the university.
  • The University of Copenhagen is one of Denmark’s top universities, offering excellent academic opportunities.
  • Indian students must fulfill specific requirements and eligibility criteria to study in Denmark.

Tuition Fees in Denmark for International Students (Undergraduate)

When considering studying in Denmark as an international student, understanding the tuition fees is crucial. Denmark offers a high-quality education system that is renowned worldwide. However, it is important to note that tuition fees for international students are not entirely free, unlike for Danish and EU/EEA students.

As an undergraduate international student in Denmark, the tuition fees vary depending on the university and the program of study. Generally, tuition fees for international students in Denmark range from DKK 45,000 to DKK 120,000 per academic year (approximately USD 6,800 to USD 18,000).

It’s worth noting that some Danish higher education institutions offer tuition waivers or partially subsidized tuition fees for international students. These institutions are often the ones in which Danish students have a higher chance of attending due to the centralized application system. For example, Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, and Technical University of Denmark offer a limited number of tuition waivers or scholarships to international students.

To give you an idea of the cheapest universities in Denmark for international students, here is a table showcasing some options:

UniversityTuition Fee Range (DKK per year)
University of Southern Denmark45,000 – 120,000
Aalborg University45,000 – 90,000
Roskilde University45,000 – 90,000

These universities offer a range of programs and competitive tuition fees for international students, making them a viable option for those seeking affordability without compromising on education quality.

Remember to check with each university for specific details on tuition fees, scholarships, and any additional costs that may be associated with your chosen program of study. It’s also important to consider the cost of living in Denmark, which will vary depending on your preferred location.

University of Copenhagen: Tuition Fees for International Students (Bachelor)

When it comes to pursuing a bachelor’s degree at one of Denmark’s top universities, the University of Copenhagen is a popular choice for international students. Known for its academic excellence and vibrant campus life, the university offers a wide range of bachelor’s programs across various disciplines.

For international students, understanding the tuition fees is an important aspect of planning their education abroad. The University of Copenhagen has a transparent fee structure that ensures all students, regardless of their nationality, pay the same tuition fees.

The exact tuition fees for bachelor’s programs at the University of Copenhagen may vary depending on the chosen program and the individual’s residency status. As an international student, you can expect to pay an average annual tuition fee ranging from 8,000 EUR to 15,000 EUR.

To provide a clearer overview, here is a breakdown of the estimated tuition fees for international students pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Copenhagen:

Bachelor’s ProgramTuition Fees (Range)
Program A8,000 EUR – 10,000 EUR
Program B10,000 EUR – 12,000 EUR
Program C12,000 EUR – 15,000 EUR

It’s important to note that these fees are subject to change, and it’s advisable to visit the official University of Copenhagen website for the most up-to-date information on tuition fees.

Additionally, the University of Copenhagen offers various scholarship opportunities for international students, which can help in partially or fully covering the tuition fees. These scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, and eligibility criteria may vary for each scholarship program.

Considering the prestige and quality of education at the University of Copenhagen, the tuition fees for international students pursuing a bachelor’s degree are competitive and offer excellent value for money. With its renowned faculty, research opportunities, and diverse student community, the University of Copenhagen provides an enriching academic experience for students from around the world.


Tuition Fees in Denmark for Indian Students (Master’s)

When considering pursuing a master’s degree in Denmark, it is essential to understand the tuition fees associated with postgraduate studies. Tuition fees for international students in Denmark can vary depending on the university and the specific master’s program.

Below is a table showcasing the average tuition fees for international students for master’s programs in Denmark:

UniversityTuition Fees (per year)
University of Copenhagen$10,000 – $16,000
Aarhus University$8,000 – $15,000
Technical University of Denmark$9,000 – $14,000
University of Southern Denmark$7,000 – $12,000

These figures are approximate and may vary depending on factors such as program duration and field of study. It is advisable to check with the specific university for the most accurate and up-to-date information on tuition fees.

Additionally, it is worth noting that scholarships and funding opportunities are available for international students in Denmark. These can help offset the cost of tuition fees and provide financial support throughout your master’s program. It is recommended to explore scholarship options and eligibility criteria through the university’s official website or through external scholarship providers.

Understanding the tuition fees for master’s programs in Denmark is crucial for Indian students planning to pursue postgraduate studies in the country. By budgeting effectively and exploring scholarship opportunities, students can make informed decisions about their academic journey in Denmark.

Requirements to Study in Denmark for International Students

Indian students who wish to study in Denmark must fulfill certain requirements and meet the eligibility criteria. Here are the key factors to consider:

  1. Visa: International students, including those from India, require a valid student visa to study in Denmark. The visa application process involves submitting necessary documents, such as acceptance letters from Danish educational institutions, proof of financial capability, and a valid passport. Students should apply for the visa well in advance to ensure a smooth process.
  2. Language Proficiency: Most universities in Denmark offer programs taught in English. However, students may be required to provide proof of English language proficiency through standardized tests like IELTS or TOEFL. Specific language requirements may vary depending on the university and program.
  3. Academic Qualifications: Indian students must meet the academic qualifications specified by the Danish educational institutions they are applying to. This typically includes a completed secondary education (12 years of schooling) or an equivalent qualification. Students should check the specific entry requirements for their chosen program and university.
  4. Insurance: Health insurance is mandatory for all students in Denmark. International students can either obtain private health insurance or apply for the Danish national health insurance scheme if they meet the residency requirements.

It is important for Indian students to thoroughly research and understand the requirements for studying in Denmark to ensure a successful application process. By meeting the necessary criteria, students can embark on an enriching educational journey in this vibrant Scandinavian country.

Also Read: Study in Australia: Guide for Indian International Students

Cost of Living in Denmark for Student

When considering studying in Denmark, it’s essential for Indian students to have a clear understanding of the cost of living in the country. In addition to tuition fees, there are various expenses to consider, including accommodation, transportation, food, and other daily needs. By planning your budget effectively, you can ensure a comfortable and fulfilling experience during your stay in Denmark.

Accommodation Costs

One of the major expenses for students in Denmark is accommodation. The cost of renting a room or a flat can vary depending on the location and type of accommodation you choose. In major cities like Copenhagen and Aarhus, expect higher rental prices compared to smaller towns. On average, students can expect to spend around USD 400-800 per month on rent, including utilities.

Transportation Expenses

Denmark has an excellent public transportation system, making it convenient for students to commute within the country. Public transportation includes buses, trains, and metros. Students can avail discounted fares with a valid student ID card. On average, monthly transportation costs can range from USD 40-80, depending on the distance and frequency of travel.

Food and Groceries

In Denmark, dining out at restaurants can be quite expensive, especially in major cities. However, cooking at home can help you save a significant amount of money. On average, monthly grocery expenses for a student can range from USD 200-350. Moreover, you can explore local markets and discount stores for affordable options.

Other Expenses

In addition to accommodation, transportation, and food, there are other miscellaneous expenses to consider. This includes healthcare insurance, study materials, social activities, and personal expenses. It is advisable to allocate a budget for these additional costs, with a monthly estimate of USD 200-300.

Remember to keep in mind that these cost estimates are approximate and can vary based on individual preferences and spending habits.

By considering these aspects of daily life in Denmark and planning your budget accordingly, you can ensure a financially stable and enjoyable experience as an Indian student studying in Denmark.


In conclusion, understanding the tuition fees and cost of living in Denmark is crucial for Indian students planning to study in the country. Denmark’s reputation as an excellent destination for education attracts students from around the world, including India. However, it is essential to be well-informed about the financial aspects of studying in Denmark to make informed decisions.

Throughout this guide, we have discussed the tuition fees for undergraduate and master’s programs in Denmark, highlighting some of the cheapest universities for international students. We have also provided information on the specific tuition fees for bachelor’s programs at the prestigious University of Copenhagen.

Moreover, we have explored the requirements to study in Denmark, including visa regulations, language proficiency, and academic qualifications. It is crucial for Indian students to be aware of these requirements to ensure a smooth application process.

Additionally, we have delved into the cost of living in Denmark, covering expenses such as accommodation, transportation, and food. Understanding the cost of living is essential to budgeting effectively and ensuring a comfortable student life in Denmark.

Overall, by considering the tuition fees and cost of living in Denmark, Indian students can make informed choices and plan their financials accordingly, enabling them to have a rewarding educational experience in this beautiful Scandinavian country.


What are the tuition fees for international undergraduate students in Denmark?

Tuition fees for international undergraduate students in Denmark vary depending on the university and program. However, many Danish universities offer tuition-free education for students from the European Union/EEA and Switzerland.

For non-EU/EEA students, tuition fees can range from approximately DKK 45,000 to DKK 120,000 per year (equivalent to USD 6,700 to USD 17,800). It’s important to check with your chosen university for specific tuition fee information.

Which is the cheapest university in Denmark for international students?

While tuition fees are generally the same across universities in Denmark, there are some institutions that offer more affordable options for international students.

Examples of universities known for lower tuition fees include Roskilde University and Aarhus University. However, it’s essential to consider other factors such as the program’s quality, location, and available scholarships.

What are the tuition fees for international students’ bachelor programs at the University of Copenhagen?

The University of Copenhagen is an esteemed institution that charges tuition fees for international students. For bachelor’s programs, the tuition fees vary depending on the chosen field of study and the student’s nationality.

As of now, the annual fees for international bachelor students range from approximately DKK 74,000 to DKK 150,000 (around USD 11,000 to USD 22,300).

How much are the tuition fees for international students pursuing master’s programs in Denmark?

Similar to undergraduate programs, tuition fees for international students pursuing master’s programs in Denmark vary depending on the university and program. Some universities offer tuition waivers or reduced fees for certain master’s programs.

On average, international students can expect to pay tuition fees ranging from approximately DKK 45,000 to DKK 120,000 per year (equivalent to USD 6,700 to USD 17,800). However, it’s crucial to research specific program fees for the university of your choice.

What are the requirements for international students to study in Denmark?

To study in Denmark as an international student, you will typically need to meet certain requirements. These may include having a secondary school diploma or equivalent, demonstrating proficiency in the English language (or Danish if the program is taught in Danish), and fulfilling any specific entry requirements for your chosen university and program. Additionally, you may need to obtain a student visa and provide proof of financial means to support yourself during your studies.

How much does the cost of living in Denmark for international students usually amount to?

The cost of living in Denmark can vary depending on factors such as location and personal lifestyle choices. On average, international students can expect to spend approximately DKK 8,000 to DKK 12,000 per month (around USD 1,190 to USD 1,785) on accommodation, food, transportation, and other expenses. Keep in mind that these amounts are estimates, and individual spending habits may differ.