Distance between Bhal No Nesh to sarangpur hanuman temple

The approximate distance of around 40 kilometers, or 24 miles, Distance Between Bhal No Nesh to sarangpur hanuman temple Botad. Within Gujarat, India’s Botad district is the little village of Sarangpur, home of the temple.

Distance between Bhal No Nesh to sarangpur hanuman temple

The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple may be reached from Bhal no nesh via a variety of transportation options. By road, either in a car, train or a bus, transportation is most frequently used. Depending on traffic and road conditions, the trip takes 40 minute to 1 hours. The path leads to the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple via Bhimnath, Barvala and Kundal. To avoid traffic and make the most of the daylight hours, it is best to start early in the morning.

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Train travel is another well-liked kind of transportation. Depending on the train you pick, there are multiple trains that run from Ahmedabad to Botad, and the trip takes about 40 minute to 1 hours. You can take a bus or rent a taxi to go to the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple from Botad.

Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is a well-known destination for Lord Hanuman worshipers. For those who worship Lord Hanuman, the temple is regarded as one of the holiest locations in India. The temple is well-known for its miraculously-powered image of Lord Hanuman. The idol is more than six feet tall and is crafted of marble. The idol is supposed to have the ability to heal a wide range of ailments and take out barriers from a person’s life.

Sarangpur Hanuman Temple Time table

Sarangpur Temple Pooja Time
Temple Timings (Darshan)6:00 am to 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Prasadam Timings (Annadanam)1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Pooja Timings8:00 am to 9:00 am
Time Taken for Darshan1-2 hours
Entry FeeFree
Best Time to VisitAugust to March
Dress CodeMen: Dhoti, No shirt. Women: Saree
PoojasAnnadanam, Vastra Samarpana
Nearest CityBotad

Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is visited by devotees from all over the nation who come to ask for Lord Hanuman’s blessings. The temple is renowned for its serene settings and meditative atmosphere. There are a number of additional, smaller temples within the complex that are devoted to various deities.

In addition to the temple, Sarangpur hamlet has a number of other noteworthy attractions. The community is well-known for its traditional textiles and handicrafts, which are created by regional artists utilising antiquated methods. The adjacent nature sanctuary, which is home to a number of uncommon and endangered animal and bird species, is also open for exploration by guests.

In conclusion, it is roughly 40 kilometres, or 24 miles, from Distance between Bhal No Nesh to sarangpur hanuman temple, botad. There are a number of ways to get there, including by vehicle, bus, and train. Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is a well-known destination for Lord Hanuman followers and is regarded as one of the holiest locations in India for Hanuman enthusiasts. In addition to visiting the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple, visitors can explore the neighbouring attractions, which include the wildlife sanctuary and traditional textiles and handicrafts.