International  Tiger Day

Why We Celebrate International Tiger Day

International Tiger Day raises awareness about tiger conservation and habitat preservation.

Founded in 2010, International Tiger Day highlights global efforts to protect tigers.

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July 29th: A Day for Tigers

the Global Tiger Recovery Program and the 13 tiger range countries working together to save these majestic animals

Global Tiger Conservation Efforts

See how India, home to 75% of the world’s tigers, is leading the way in tiger conservation through initiatives like Project Tiger.

The Role of India in Tiger Conservation

Tigers face threats from habitat loss, poaching, and climate change impacting their survival.

Challenges Facing Tigers Today

Reflect on past themes of International Tiger Day and what to expect for 2024, focusing on restoring tiger habitats

International Tiger Day Themes

The tiger census monitors populations, guiding conservation efforts and measuring success

Tiger Census: Tracking Progress

Help by donating, advocating, or supporting tiger protection efforts